Material Fact – Information about the Shareholders´ Meeting and the Company

Material Fact – Information about the Shareholders´ Meeting and the Company

Information about the Shareholders´ Meeting and the Company

BTG PACTUAL PARTICIPATIONS, LTD. (“BTGP” or the “Company”), in accordance with CVM Instruction 358/02, and further to the Material Fact press release issued by BTGP and by Banco BTG Pactual S.A. (“Banco”), on February 14, 2017 and on August 4, 2017 (the “Material Facts”), hereby informs their shareholders and the market in general, as follows:

The Company’s Board of Directors called, on this date, a special shareholders’ meeting to ratify, among other matters, (i) a change in the corporate name of the Company to PPLA Participations Ltd., in order to mitigate investor confusion regarding the BPAC11 units and BBTG12 units; and (ii) the reverse stock split of Class A shares and Class B shares issued by the Company (the “Reverse Stock Split”), as approved by the Company’s Board of Directors’ Meeting, held on August 4, 2017 (the “Shareholders’ Meeting”). Starting from the next trading day following the Shareholders’ Meeting, the units and the BDRs will be traded under new ticker symbols, already reflecting the new proportions provider for pursuant to the Reverse Stock Split.

The modification of the corporate name to be ratified on the Shareholders’ Meeting occurs under the context of the segregation of units by the Company as well as of the approval of a new Board of Executive Officers that is distinct from Banco’s Board of Executive Officers, as disclosed in the Material Fact press release issued on May 5, 2017. Additionally, the Company and Banco also ceased presenting combined Banco and BTGP financial statements, disclosing only (i) Banco’s financial statements, and (ii) BTGP’s financial statements, both separately and in accordance with their respective applicable accounting rules, in addition to beginning to disclose earnings releases in a segregated manner, and continuing to disclose their respective formulário de referência annual reports, as well as rolling out separate new “Investor Relations” websites

The Company also informs that is under discussions with Euronext, with the purpose of listing similar units, on the same ratio that of the shares issued by the Company.

For further information on the Reverse Stock Split – including with respect to the treatment of eventual fractions -, as approved by the Board of Directors of the Company, see the “Notice to Shareholders” disclosed on this date.

São Paulo, August 7, 2017.

Investor Relations Office

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